The Ammunition Management Advisory Team (AMAT), a shared initiative of the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) and the United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs (UNODA), promotes the use of the International Ammunition Technical Guidelines (IATG) and supports states in managing conventional ammunition according to good practice.
To contribute to improved coordination of ammunition management initiatives, AMAT developed a knowledge and information sharing platform, the Ammunition Management Activity Platform (A-MAP). The A-MAP is designed to provide states, donors, and implementers with a one-stop source on who does what and where in the field of conventional ammunition management.
A-MAP is the only platform dedicated to ammunition management. Other initiatives have undertaken mapping of projects and activities with a focus on Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW), the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), and regional assistance. A-MAP complements the information found in these platforms, in order to provide a comprehensive picture of ammunition-related activities, support the operationalisation of the UN SaferGuard Programme, disseminate the IATG, and promote the recommendations of the Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) ammunition reports.
Related databases
- The SIPRI Mapping ATT-relevant Cooperation and Assistance Activities Database:
- PoA Database:
- OSCE Projects Portfolio:
- NATO SALW & MA Platform:
- StG-PoA Arms Control Database: StG (
- Small Arms Survey UEMS Handbook:
- Small Arms Survey Regional Organisations and PoA Handbook:
- IPIS Safeguarding Security Sector Stockpiles (S4) Initiative: IPIS Map S4 (
- Data collection: Information is regularly gathered from open sources (official reports, websites, related databases, news, social media) and through outreach. In addition, the stakeholders are asked to complete a data request form on a biannual basis.
- Coding of activities: Each activity or project is classified as per type of activity and IATG focus (see below).
- Outreach & validation: The collected and coded data is shared individually with the corresponding stakeholders for review, validation, and completion.
Currently, 87% of the data has been validated (latest update: 30.06.2022). - Adjustment & update: Based on research and feedback, the database and its visualisation are readjusted and updated as required.
Types of Activity
IATG Focus
Methodological note on "Type of activity" categories:
These categories and their corresponding definitions rely on the terminology provided by the International Ammunition Technical Guidelines (IATG) glossary, including the changes suggested in the updated Version 2 and Version 3 released, respectively, in 2015 and 2021. They are based on the descriptions of ammunition management projects and activities presented in official reports, related databases, open-source websites, and first-hand information provided by relevant stakeholders. The decisions around what to include in, or exclude from, the categories were made iteratively. This resulted in a dynamic process that accompanied the building of the database: as the coding of the collected data progressed and new or unexpected information emerged, the categories were continuously refined and clarified. Finally, pragmatic concerns dictated by the need to visualize data on the interactive online map were also considered and influenced the preference for succinct yet informative categories.
Methodological note on “IATG focus” categories:
The IATG focus areas correspond to the six complementary groups of activities defined in the IATG module 01:10, paragraph 4 (3rd Edition, March 2021).