The political and security situation in Jordan is relatively stable, despite ongoing armed conflicts in neighbouring countries (Israel/Palestine, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon).1 Given its geographical proximity to these conflicts, however, Jordan has high levels of weapons and ammunition trafficking.2 According to reports, landmines are no longer present on its territory.3 The country is involved in an armed conflict against the Islamic State group in Syria and part of the Saudi-led coalition against the Houtis in Yemen.4
NATO and the Small Arms Survey have supported the through-life management of ammunition. Efforts have included creating a demilitarisation centre; destroying obsolete ammunition; and providing equipment to test older ammunition systems, national-level training on physical security and stockpile management, and disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) activities.5
1 “Jordan,” International Crisis Group, accessed September 3, 2022,
2 Philip Alpers and Miles Lovell, Jordan – Gun Facts, Figures and the Law (, Sydney School of Public Health, University of Sydney, 2022),
3 “Jordan’s Demining Success,” ReliefWeb, April 26, 2012,’s-demining-success.
4 “Jordan,” Rule of Law in Armed Conflicts Project (RULAC), Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, updated February 7, 2022,
5 “Ammunition Management Activity Platform (A-MAP),” GICHD, 2022,
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Further information
Accidental explosions
Since the Small Arms Survey began collecting data in 1979, one accidental explosion has been reported in Jordan.
Table 1. Accidental explosions in Jordan (1979-2021)
Year | Location | Owner/manager | Deaths | Injuries |
2020 | Zarqa | State (military) | 0 | 0 |
Source: “Unplanned Explosions at Munitions Sites (UEMS) Database,” Small Arms Survey, updated December 15, 2021,
Cases of diversion
Insufficient information on cases of diversion in Jordan.
Insufficient information on the disposal of ammunition in Jordan.
No needs have been reported for Jordan.
Source: Jordan, National Report on the Implementation of the Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons (PoA) and the International Tracing Instrument (ITI), (New York: Permanent Mission of Jordan to the UN, 2010),