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Since the 2011 uprising, Tunisia’s security challenges and instability have mainly been linked to the conflict in neighbouring Libya, as well as to terrorist activities in some parts of the country.1 While most illicit weapons present in Tunisia originate from Libya, trafficking and demand for weapons in the country is reportedly limited.2 Nonetheless, Tunisia is considered a transit country for weapons and ammunition, and trafficking activities have resulted in numerous armed incidents between Libyan militias and Tunisian smugglers at the Tunisian-Libyan border.3

In terms of weapons and ammunition management, Tunisia’s regulation is considered restrictive.4 The country received assistance as part of regional programmes conducted by the Small Arms Survey, the Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies (BICC) and the African Union.5 Tunisia has signed the UN Firearms Protocol.6


1 “Tunisia Country Strategy 2020-2022,” DCAF – Geneva Centre for Security Governance, 2020,

2 Nicholas Marsh, “Brothers Came Back with Weapons. The Effects of Arms Proliferation from Libya,” Prism 6, no. 4 (2017): 79-96,

3 Moncef Kartas, On the Edge? Trafficking and Insecurity at the Tunisian-Libyan Border (Geneva: Small Arms Survey, 2013),

4 Philip Alpers and Marcus Wilson, Tunisia – Gun Facts, Figures and the Law (, Sydney School of Public Health, University of Sydney, 2022),

5 “Ammunition Management Activity Platform (A-MAP),” GICHD, 2022,

6 Alpers and Wilson, Tunisia.

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Further information

Accidental explosions

Since the Small Arms Survey began collecting data in 1979, no accidental explosions have been reported in Tunisia.

Source: “Unplanned Explosions at Munitions Sites (UEMS) Database,” Small Arms Survey, updated December 15, 2021,

Cases of diversion

Several cases of diversion have been reported in Tunisia ­– at least one of which included ammunition.

Table 1. Cases of diversion of arms, ammunition and explosives in Tunisia






A soldier was arrested in possession of a Steyr weapon, as well as three drums of ammunition stolen from a military barrack.1


1 “Tunisie: Arrestation d’un soldat déserteur en possession d’un fusil Steyr et trois chargeurs de balles,” Tunisie Numérique, July 8, 2019,


Insufficient information on the disposal of ammunition in Tunisia.


No needs have been identified for Tunisia.

Published Date: Monday 21 of August 2023